Tuesday, January 13, 2009

anne whiston spirn

i really felt identified with annes´ work and the idea of pursuing the making of images parting from a theoretical idea. from her vision statement:

"Noticing something makes me see something I hadn’t seen, helps me discover what cannot be seen directly or only at a different scale, from another point of view, and that prompts me to question, seek answers, and find connections among what is seemingly unrelated. Seeing is a creative act.

Landscapes are living and dynamic, not static, full of dialogue and drama. I am drawn to photograph a landscape as one might photograph a person: to capture its distinctive spirit, to reveal its history, to show the contexts that shape it. There are few people in my photographs, but their traces and the stories they tell are everywhere: in the landforms they shape, the paths they make, the soil they till and the plants they tend, the structures they build, the places they dwell.

I want to discover what is there, hidden and real, to understand why and how things come about and to imagine what they might be. I want to inspire others to see the extraordinary in the everyday, to pause and look deeply at the surface of things, and also beyond that surface to the stories landscapes tell, to the processes that shape human lives and communities, the earth, and the universe and all who dwell there".