Wednesday, April 29, 2009

shawn records

it was great to finally meet shawn records and talk about photography and what we´ve been doing lately. i really appreciate his approach to his image making and talked about how it steps out of a formulistic way of thinking. his work harbor looks at a small town drawn to failure and what that means for its people. beautifully portrayed and produced in prints. here is a multimedia of shawn from the pause to begin gang.

about harbour:

"Ultimately, Harbor is a project about hope, failure, ambition, tradition, and wildness, primarily set in and inspired by Gray's Harbor in Washington state. When locals ask why I'm photographing there, I always tell them that the area has a long history of both optimism and failure that interests me: the rise and fall of logging, the construction and desertion of the nuclear plant, the spotted owl, the meth, Cobain's rise and eventual suicide, etc.... At first, I worried about offending, but that's never the case. They always laugh. They get it. In fact, I think they thrive on it".