The Collector’s Guide to Emerging Art Photography Book Launch Party
Thursday, March 5, 6 – 9 PM
7 W. 34th Street at 5th Avenue The reception will be held in Volta’s VIP Lounge.
An after party will be held at:
Thursday, March 5, 10 PM until late
64 E. 1st Street at 1st Avenue
RSVP required for both events. Guest list strictly enforced.
Send RSVPs to:
Humble Arts Foundation is pleased to present The Collector's Guide to Emerging Art Photography, a 180-page source book for collectors, art dealers, gallery directors, photo editors, museum professionals, and independent curators. Featuring 163 emerging art photographers, The Collector's Guide aims to further Humble’s mission by bridging the gap between ambitious early-career photographers and photography professionals. The Collector's Guide book launch party will take place at VOLTA NY, Thursday, March 5th from 6 – 9pm at 7 W. 34th St at 5th Ave. The reception will be held in VOLTA’s VIP lounge. An after party will be held at Boucarou, 64 E. 1st St. at 1st Ave, Thursday, March 5, 10 PM – until late.
RSVP required: A select number of books will be available for sale.
Participating photographers include: Dustin Aksland,Carlos Albalá, Kathyrn Parker Almanas, Corey Arnold, Peter Baker, Rob Ball, Gideon Barnett, Anna Bauer, Matthew Baum, Juliana Beasley, Johan Bergström, Brian Berman, Colin Blakely, Dan Boardman, Steven Brahms, Mark Brautigam, Timothy Briner, Jessica Bruah, Michael Bühler-Rose, Jesse Burke, Alejandro Cartagena, Jacob Carter, Melissa Catanese, Anastasia Cazabon, Alana Celii, Talia Chetrit, Andrea Chu, Céline Clanet, François Coquerel, Robyn Cumming, Chris Davis, Rachael Dunville, Dan Eckstein, Gerald Edwards III, Scott Eiden, Amy Elkins, Geoffrey Ellis, Tealia Ellis-Ritter, Grant Ernhart, Thobias Fäldt, Jan Fassbender, Jon Feinstein, Todd Fisher, Lucas Foglia, Manya Fox, Zack Genin, Dana Gentile, Sam Gezari, Emiliano Granado, Leslie Grant, Yann Gross, Gustav Gustafsson, Gregory Halpern, Paul Herbst, Beth Herzhaft, Susanna Hesselberg, Nicole Jean Hill, Ben Huff, Lacey Ann Johnson, Dina Kantor, Nicole Katz, Drew Kelly, Mikael Kennedy, Gunnar Knechtel, Liz Kuball, Naho Kubota, William Lamson, Molly Landreth, Mårten Lange, Shane Lavalette, Alejandra Laviada, Jason Lazarus, Bryan Lear, Ashley Lefrak, Miranda Lehman, Brian Lesteberg, Jennifer Loeber, Sophie T. Lvoff, Thomas Macker, Ashley Macknica, Sarah Madsen, Alison Malone, Jessica Mallios, John Mann, Michael Marcelle, Marc McAndrews, Andrew Robert McComb, Erica McDonald, Tammy Mercure, Nick Meyer, Chad Muthard, Wakaba Noda, Boru O’Brien O’Connell, Bob O’Connor, Grady O’Connor, Patrick O’Hare, Christina Maria Oswald, Robert Pallesen, Sarah Palmer, Lydia Panas, Ahndraya Parlato, Brandon Pavan, Eric Percher, Nathan Ellis Perkel, Regine Petersen, Ryan Pfluger, Cara Phillips, Birthe Piontek, Louis Porter, Friederike Von Rauch, Shawn Records, Justin James Reed, Reka Reisinger, Peter Riesett, Jenny Riffle, Lissa Rivera, Jessica Roberts, Carlo Van de Roer, Patrick Romero, Dalton Rooney, Nadine Rovner, Will Sanders, John Saponara, Matthew Schenning, Jennifer Niederhauser Schlup, Aaron Schuman, Stephen K. Schuster, Bryan Jacob Schutmaat, Matthew Shain, Angus R. Shamal, Daniel Shea, Matt Siber, Sarah Small, Angie Smith, Tema Stauffer, Will Steacy, Amy Stein, Parsley Steinweiss, Luke Stettner, Sean Stewart, Barry Stone, Sarah Sudhoff, JJ Sulin, Rachel Sussman, Tina Tyrell, Simon Vahala, Alex Van Clief, Kamden Vencill, Caroline de Vries, Michael Werner, Emma Wieslander, Sara Wight, Grant Willing, Sarah Wilmer, Ofer Wolberger, Jason John Würm, Wheat Wurtzburger, Jeongmee Yoon, Anoush Abrar & Aimée Hoving, Allison Wermager & Alexander M. Harrington, Inka Lindergård & Niclas Holmström, Kate and Camilla and Tribble & Mancenido.
Humble Arts Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that works to advance the careers of emerging fine-art photographers by way of exhibition and publishing opportunities, limited-edition print sales, twice-annual artists grants, and educational programming.
For additional information, visuals, and press inquiries, please send an email to amani olu at