Monday, October 27, 2008

7º encuentro de fotografía 2008, en monterrey, interior parque fundidora

será una gran oportunidad de escuchar a 4 grandes maestros de la fotografía mexicana. se tocarán los temas de curaduría, crítica, portafolios y el discurso fotográfico. los talleristas son: laura gonzález flores (curaduría), josé antonio rodriguez (crítica), mariana gruener (portafolios) y gerardo montiel klint (el discurso fotográfico). el evento es organizado por el gremio de fotógrafos de nuevo león y la fototeca del centro de las artes(en facebook). el evento e inscripciónes son gratuitos (excelente!!!) y se pueden hacer via correo electronico:

pause to begin in the blogsphere via flak photo







Friday, October 24, 2008

featured at flak photo

Flak Photo is featuring my work in conjunction with the Pause, to Begin feature this month. take a look here.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a few new images of the urban holes series

Monday, October 20, 2008

looking through architecture

michael wolf

miklos gaál

both miklos gaál and michael wolf look at contemporary life through the interaction of humans and buildings.

Friday, October 17, 2008

thomas prior

incredible images over at thomas prior's page. congrats!

christopher Lamarca

rachael dunville

jessica bruah

Sandy Nicholson found over at magenta foundation

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Photolucida International Awards - Mexico!

i´ve been selected with 4 other colleagues to be part of the critical mass group of photographers to be reviewed by 200+ specialists world wide. more info here.

the list of the 5 recipients:

Yolanda Andrade
Alejandro Cartagena
Kenia Narez
Marcela Taboada
Antonio Turok

congrats to the other four!

Monday, October 13, 2008

pause to begin teaser

Thursday, October 9, 2008

charlotte whalen

What looked like a process of stunning and vital growth has been revealed as unstable and entropic, with devastating consequences.

Charlottes Subprime project intrigued me in the way of how 2 distinct countries (US and Mexico) grow and what are the ideals behind such growth

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

beth dow/ in the garden

the narrative created by beth´s images remind me of my years in dominican republic, growing up in a wonderland where anything could happen. i also enjoy that it is not in color. her page is here. and her statement:

These recent photographs were taken in formal English and Italian gardens. The shape and mystery of these places are a natural draw for me as they offer glimpses of the rich traditions of garden making. I am interested in garden history and historical concepts of paradise, and aim for pictures that have a meditative quality to reflect the spiritual urges that inspired the earliest gardens some six thousand years ago. My images are not depictive. I use the land before me as a jumping off point, implying light or shadow where perhaps there was none, as a way to create my own path through the garden. In fact, by positioning the lens, cropping my prints, and using burning and dodging to guide the viewer's eye through a picture, I feel that I too am a gardener in a sense. I am after that "slant of curious light" that is the genius of a place.

congratulation on your grand prize over at blurb!

andrew sovjani

Andrews work is very attractive and deals with the basics of photography; light and form. Here is a link to his page and an extract of his statement:

My photography is about the study of light and subtle relationships within a scene. Like the traditional Japanese poetry form of Haiku, my photography is an attempt to communicate the natural beauty in the everyday world around us that often goes unnoticed in our modern, usually hectic lives. By slowing down and seeing deeply, I am attempting to distill the visual chaos into a photographic image that reveals the essence or true nature of its subject

I believe that the printing of each negative constitutes the “performance” of the idea captured on film. I will never outsource this critical part of the process. I print each of my toned silver-gelatin photographs myself in a traditional darkroom using time-tested techniques and craft.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A family of trees wanting, to be haunted

time to pretend-mgmt

I'm Feelin rough I'm Feelin raw I'm in the prime of my life.
Let's make some music make some money find some models for wives.
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.

This is our decision to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah it's overwhelming, but what else can we do?
Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?

Forget about our mothers and our friends.
We were fated to pretend.

I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms.
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world.
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home.
Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.

But there is really nothing, nothing we can do.
Love must be forgotten. Life can always start up anew.
The models will have children, we'll get a divorce,
we'll find some more models, Everything must run its course.

We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end.
We were fated to pretend.

yeah yeah yeah

there is something so f**ed up about this song but at the same time it is great...

here is the video

una vez más se nos sale lo ranchero

nuevamente nuestros adorables críticos nos dejan ver cuan desfasados están de la realidad fotográfica contemporánea y lo inexpertos y rancheros que son. sin planteamientos en mano, critican las acciones de una institución de auto renovarse y cambiar. bien es cierto que hay que criticar, y escuchar todo aquello que requiera crítica, pero como es posible que se crea que todo aquello que plantean puede ser realmente lo que la foto de monterrey necesita o le falte.

sera necesario cosas como: que todo aquel que haga una foto se le exhiba su imagen, que se requiera un consenso para realizar nuevas propuestas (acaso ellos preguntan si deben o no publicar las cosas que publican, o si ellos son los adecuados para hacer lo que hacen y como lo hacen), que el arte o fotografía la pueden hacer todos(me refiero a hacer propuestas contundentes, con una producción excelente y un discurso articulado) o que una institución debe acarrear como borregueros a todos aquellos que se dicen fotógrafos porque en el pasado han hecho una buena foto o grupo de fotos pero que hayan desaparecido del circuito local y nacional después de eso.

Hagan me el favor. en que mundo viven. estos cuestionamientos huelen a algo más allá de lo que dicen defender, que es el bienestar de los fotógrafos locales. más bien pareciera que se les están pisando sus intereses y que al no ser tomados en cuenta sienten que se les va un bote en el cual eran ya capitanes.

creo que es claro que la intención de eventos de exposición si tienen una finalidad más allá de promover, difundir, confrontar y premiar. Esto es, ayudar de manera desinteresada(porque quien más que una institución que no genera ingresos económicos por trabajar más) a los autores para que puedan entrar en un circuito fotográfico local y nacional.

¡Coño seamos honestos y ayudemos a que nuestra fotografía local deje de ser vista como algo de bajo nivel y unamos fuerzas para que todos salgamos beneficiados!